Surfing Seagull Poster
Surfing Seagull Poster

Surfing Seagull Poster

Sale price€19,95 EUR
4.9 out of 5 on Trustpilot
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100 days Right of Return

The story

Denne måge er for dens lokale surfstrand, hvad en dørmand er for et diskotek. Når en lidt for frisk turist stjæler dens bølge, er den ikke bleg for at lave et fjerde hul i hans shorts, idet vedkommende bliver jagtet ud af vandet. Så hvis du har dine badebukser kær, og ikke ønsker at komme hjem med en lændetatovering lavet af et næb, er der en regel, du bør overholde: ‘Respect the locals’.

NB. Frame sold separately - View our Oak Frame.


• SIZE: A3
• FABRIC: 250 g. Cradle to Cradle Certified® paper
• Manufactured in Denmark

1 Product = 1 Seatree

For every piece of clothing you buy, a mangrove tree is planted along the coast of Kenya. With your help biodiversity will thrive and locals are provided with both jobs and a natural protection of their coast line.

Upcycling the used

We hope, it will be a long time before you and your clothing part ways. But when that day comes, we encourage you to return the product to our stores where we will use it for upcycling or charity. In return, we will give you a discount on your next order. Read more.