LAKOR, along with co-owner Emil Midé Erichsen, has embarked on a new project with a shared ambition to restore the marine environment in Danish fjords and bays that are currently under pressure. The project is called "Stenbanken" (The Stone Bank) in Kolding and involves collecting donated stones and initially establishing a new stone reef in Lillebælt near Kolding Fjord in Denmark.

Stone reefs are vital habitats for many marine animals and plants, but unfortunately, many stone reefs have disappeared over time due to past stone fishing. "Back then, we may not have known their importance for the marine environment and biodiversity of life around them - we do today, and therefore we must work to re-establish nature," adds Emil. Stone reefs are home to mussels, seaweed, and provide fish and fish larvae with a good hiding place and a source of food. The new stone reef in Lillebælt will thus be a crucial first step towards restoring the marine environment and biodiversity in Kolding Fjord and Lillebælt.

In collaboration with Henning Bech-Larsen, who is responsible for Stenbanken in Kolding, we will try to tackle the task of creating more biodiversity and life in Kolding Fjord.


LAKOR has a special connection to Kolding Fjord, as most co-owners were born and raised in Kolding, where many fish were caught during their childhood. LAKOR's designer, Lasse Kornum, spent much of his childhood by Kolding Fjord, especially in the areas where the stone reefs are to be established. Therefore, he has a unique connection to the project:

"I love the sea, and unfortunately, conditions are quite poor underwater in Danish waters. Stenbanken is a project that can make a significant positive difference while requiring relatively few resources to implement," says Lasse Kornum.

Therefore, LAKOR has created a design that will be featured on a limited edition T-shirt, tote bag, and poster, aimed at raising awareness and providing financial support for the project. These items can be purchased on The poster will be signed by both Lasse Kornum and Emil Midé Erichsen. All profit will be donated to Stenbanken in Kolding.


"Life in Kolding Fjord and other parts of Lillebælt is greatly affected by external factors, which means that biodiversity is in a dire state," says Henning, and continues: "The presence of fish such as cod is severely impacted by the state of the waters, and especially the smaller fish lack hiding places where they can grow without being eaten by the many predators in the area. A stone reef will provide small fish and fish larvae with good hiding opportunities."

In many places, efforts are already underway to replicate Stenbanken in Kolding, which is also the hope with this collaboration: "We hope that the collaboration can help raise awareness about our common passion and contribute to creating a financial foundation for our future involvement," says Henning. The hope is also that future fishing trips in Lillebælt can bring the same joy and catch as they did 25 years ago, and that we can pass down fjords and straits to the next generation in a proper condition.

Stenbanken Tote Bag
Stenbanken Tote Bag
Sale price€12,95

Long story short

Laying out stones

The stones are dropped into the water at carefully chosen locations